
Overwhelm & Burn Out

Overwhelm & Burn Out

These are words I’m hearing a lot at the moment. From people booking calls to work with us. From people in corporate jobs. From entrepeneurs. It seems a lot of you are feeling it.

The economy is rough (anyone else feel the upbeat data we see in the news doesn’t match the reality on the street btw?), there’s an election, a war in Europe, a war in the Middle East…

But if I’m honest I do think that despite all that there’s something bigger at play that is perhaps a combination of all those factors and that’s there’s a major paradigm shift occurring.

We’re still living by a 20th Century model in the 21st century and we can see all around us signs that the old way is breaking down. Let’s be honest, whatever your political views, this isn’t an exciting election, most of us feel distrustful and jaded about all the parties.

We feel we’re being gaslit on the economy, oh and the weather – warmest May on record anyone?

At the same time social media, into which so many of us has been seduced, is I think losing it’s allure. As it becomes more and more a place to see brief snippets of organic sales content between ads, we’re losing interest. The model is eating itself.

We’re realising that followers and likes are nothing more than vanity metrics that steal our sanity if we let them, and actually, don’t really matter.

I feel like more people are looking inward and questioning whether their life is actually the life that they want to be living, or whether there is something more.

The 9 to 5 was the invention of the industrial revolution, and we’ve slavishly stuck to it, even as tech extended it into an almost 24 hours a day always on play. But now we’re asking…

“Do I really want to live this way?”

So, if you are feeling like this, just know, that you’re not alone. Right now the new paradigm isn’t formed which is why life could feel so damn uncomfortable now.

Transformation is always difficult. the caterpillar always struggles to become the butterfly.

Lockdown gave so many people a glimpse of a different way of life with different priorities, and as we’ve slid back into a pre-lockdown world rather than a new model, many people could still be left with lingering doubts about whether this old model is right for them now.

In the future we may look back and see lockdown as the catalyst for ushering in a new paradigm – but we’re not there yet…

It can be frightening to feel stuck in uncertainty, but just know it won’t last.

So, we need to trust in what’s coming, while ensuring we’re doing what we can to keep ourselves out of overwhelm and burnout.

Of course these are just my opinions based on observations, but we did survey our database about whether coaching and tools around avoiding and recovering from burnout was something they’d like to see from us and 90% replied yes or maybe…

So chances are other people are feeling how you’re feeling. Be brave, open up, start a conversation, after all communication and community are one way to begin change.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the above….
