If you’re a man aged 45 or over you could be experiencing symptoms of the andropause without even knowing what the cause is…
Common symptoms include lack of motivation, lowered energy, decreased confidence, weight gain, increased body fat, failing strength…
It could also include brain fog, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction
Maybe life just feels a little “meh”
Chances are, it’s largely down to your hormones, and understanding what’s going on is the first step to working with the changes to make positive steps forward
Low testosterone is the main culprit, but there are other hormones and other factors at play, leading to physiological, psychological and emotional impacts…
The good news is there are lifestyle changes you can make to work in harmony with these changes and without making big sacrifices to your current lifestyle….
– Following simple nutritional guidelines
– Evidence based movement to boost hormone levels
– Looking after your gut health
– Sleep & Recovery
– Lowering Stress
– Actively working on your mindset
– Knowing the right supplements to support your hormone health
Dealing this in won’t mean big changes to your life, but can result in big changes in it’s quality: your energy levels, focus, drive, libido, how you show up in your key relationships, at work…
So isn’t it time you started to make some positive changes?